GTT: trade data tools for tracking global trade statistics

Built by trade analysts – for trade analysts

Why use GTT

For competitive intelligence or market research; for predictive modelling or evaluating new markets, the Global Trade Tracker suite of tools puts you in charge.

One data repository. Five interfaces. Within just hours of receipt, data is already available for searching on GTT. This means that you will be the first to know.

GTT Advantages

More countries than any competing service

Corrections and revisions included immediately

Significantly faster in updating and processing

ONE Data Repository – FIVE different tools

No limits on searching

Unrivalled MIRROR reporting functionality

Powerful integration options with visualisation platforms

Dynamic Excel spreadsheets – no need to logon

Sophisticated tariff-level searching

Full access to power tools such as API

BATCH processing for single-click execution of multiple strategies

Custom conversions for quantity units

Integrated ultra-powerful HS lookup tools

Multiple language interfaces

Incredibly flexible user-defined country and commodity group capabilities

GTT Trade Data Tools


The easiest to use. Perfect for simple “standard” reports; The spoonfeeding interface


The most popular for day-to-day ad-hoc searching. Very flexible. The best tool for “what-if” analysis, and for 2D reports


The “Alerts on Steroids” interface. Put ALL your strategies into one control file; a single click runs all your strategies at once.


Where the output data file contains macros so that pivot tables and graphs are automatically updated


Anything goes ….. Typically, the most appropriate interface when integrating with visualisation tools such as Tableau/Power-BI


Strictly speaking not an interface, but popular nonetheless with many customers